ensemble officium was
founded by Wilfried Rombach in 1999.
In the past few years, ensemble
officium has made an excellent name for itself with its interpretations
of Renaissance music and Gregorian chant and has become internationally
well-known. It usually consists of twelve singers.
ensemble officium carries out thorough
research, performs scholarly interpretations of Renaissance vocal
polyphony and pays close attention to the semiotics and nuance of
Gregorian chant. The intense studies of the scores lead time and again
to fascinating discoveries, such as “The Loreto Vespers” for 12 voices
by Antonio Cifra (1629). By performing the music as authentically as
possible, the ensemble creates a unique and absorbing atmosphere. Works
of sacred music from the Middle Ages, based on liturgical texts and
retaining original liturgical framework, are also part of the
ensemble’s specialties. In this way, the close connection between early
vocal polyphony and Gregorian chant can ably be demonstrated.
ensemble officium not only experimentswith integrating new music. Every so often, the group includes music of
the Franco-Flemish School. Here, the focus lies in particular on
Heinrich Isaac and his generation of composers.
The ensemble is regularly invited to renowned festivals throughout Germany as well as to other European
countries. Its singers were guests not only at the Tage für Alte Musik
(Days for Ancient Music) in Herne in the Rhur, the Rheingau
Musikfestival, the MDR Musiksommer (Summer Music Festival of the
Middle-German Broadcasting Company) and the Niedersächsische Musiktage
(Days of Music in Lower Saxony) but also in Sweden (Early Music
Stockholm), in Austria (Barocktage Stift Melk), in Sicily (Musica
Antica Erice) and in Poland (Plock Music Festival).
The result of the efforts to revive the music of the Roman late Renaissance is reflected in the ensemble’s close contact with Italy and invitations of the Fondazione Palestrina as well as the Istituto Storico Germanico to Giovanni Pierluigi’s homes in Rom and Palestrina.
Held in highesteem, ensemble officium is frequently invited to take part in radio
and television broadcasts and live recordings of concerts by SWR, DLF,
WDR, NDR and the Swedish broadcasting company.